In Memory Of My Daughter - Victoria Lee Hickman

April 22, 1988 - November 27, 2006
Vicki My Baby We Will Always Miss You!!

My boy!! - Bill Hickman - An aspiring writer looking for a place to share his craft!!

And Now For Something A Little Off Topic

Upcoming Trip Info

Disney World - September 19, 2008 - Itinerary - Screen : Printable Version

Here's A Couple "Production" Projects

Our Travel Log - Places we've been, places we are going and places we want to go

CMS Project - A Content Management Project (using Expressions Engine - core)

Enhance You Skills

Click the cards to get started - For some BlackJack!!

Enhance You Skills

There's always a few minutes for a quick Sudoku Puzzle - Check it out here!!

You know your board when this is a great place to visit

Click the pretty blue bubble to get more bubbles!!

My Home can be found here:

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Check My Calendar - Hopefully I've let you know what I'm up to.




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This page is maintained by Bill Hickman be sure to drop me a line. Bio

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